Recent studies indicate that a flip is coming that will transform education. According to Dr. Andrew Berning's research on the appropriate use of technology in education at the University of Texas-Arlington, "Ninety-six percent (96%) of U.S. students ages 9 to 17 who have Internet access use social-networking technology to connect with their peers. Nearly sixty percent (60%) of these students report discussing education-related topics online, such as college or college planning, learning outside of school, and careers." Further still, a study done by Dr. Robert Marzano found that student achievement was improved by a stunning 16% when technology was incorporated into teacher lesson plans. Researchers from South Dakota State, Penn State and Lock Haven University found that social media sites like Twitter can increase student engagement and improve their grades substantially (see ). According to researcher Ray Junco, "It was clear that students were highly engaged with us and with each other on Twitter and that had a significant effect on their overall academic success," which begs the question, why are such tools so frequently besmirched by educators?
What can technology do for students and teachers? According to Berning's blog, Appropriate Use of Technology in Education:
1.Technology can increase achievement.
2.Technology can facilitate creativity.
3.Technology can bring relevance and creativity into the learning environment.
4.Technology can facilitate experiences too expensive or too dangerous to do in real time.
5.Technology can offer alternative means for students to demonstrate what they know.
6.Technology can individualize and personalize instruction.
7.Technology can increase productivity for staff and students.
8.Technology can prepare students for a digital workplace and economy.
9.Technology can increase communication between educators and stakeholders in the community.
10.Technology can facilitate data driven decisions.
11.Technology can increase retention and decrease dropouts.
12.Technology can increase achievement.
13.Technology can facilitate creativity.
14.Technology can bring relevance and creativity into the learning environment.
15.Technology can facilitate experiences too expensive or too dangerous to do in real time.
16.Technology can offer alternative means for students to demonstrate what they know.
17.Technology can individualize and personalize instruction.
18.Technology can increase productivity for staff and students.
19.Technology can prepare students for a digital workplace and economy.
20.Technology can increase communication between educators and stakeholders in the community.
21.Technology can increase retention and decrease dropouts.
22. Technology can Level the Playing Field -- Adaptive/Assistive
23. Technology can Provide Opportunity to Advance for gifted/accelerated learning.
24. Technology can allow Differentiation and student centered learning
25. Technology can allow students to control pace of learning
26. Technology can allow Social Learning
27. Technology can provide Instant Access to Information
28. Technology allows for alternative structures of teaching e.g. Master teacher, teacher aid, master lecturer etc.
29. Technology can allow better communications/feedback with parents and stakeholders
30. Technology can provide access to Unserved and Non Consumers
31. Technology Lower the Barrier to Entry for Publishing --Anyone can publish
32. Technology can allow educators to implement gaming and other modern forms of learning.
33. Technology can Manage large numbers of learners
34. Technology can adapt to learning style
35. Technology can make serve 24/7/365
Dr Andrew Berning's blog can be found at
Coming in Part Three: Best practices for adapting your lessons to incorporate technology and my prediction about where I see education going in the next few years...